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The International Council is the governing body of IofC and provides the overall leadership in line with the goals of Initiatives of Change International and the decisions of the annual Global Assembly. The Council is made up of nine to eleven members including the President.

The Management Team consists of staff and volunteers who are engaged by IofC International to oversee daily activities in areas of Communications, Training, Partnerships, Finance, Knowledge Management and operational support. It is led by the Executive Director and its activities are governed by the International Council.

The Regional Coordination Groups are teams who facilitate and support local, national and regional initiatives and cooperation in:

International Council

Gerald Pillay
Gerald Pillay
Mounir Beltaifa
Mounir Beltaifa
Cecilia (Thembi) Silundika
Cecilia (Thembi) Silundika
International Council Member
Marta Dabrowska_profile picture
Marta Dabrowska
International Council Member
Pilar Griffin
Maria del Pilar Griffin
International Council Member
Yofrina Octika Gultom
International Council Member
Patrick McNamara
Patrick McNamara
International Council Member
Zachariah Karimi Muturi
Zacharia Muturi Karimi
International Council Member
Assaad Emile Chaftari
Assaad Emile Chaftari
International Council Member
Tapan Parekh
Tapan Parekh
International Council Member

International Council

Gerald Pillay
Gerald Pillay
Mounir Beltaifa
Mounir Beltaifa
Cecilia (Thembi) Silundika
Cecilia (Thembi) Silundika
Pilar Griffin
Maria del Pilar Griffin
Yofrina Octika Gultom
Zachariah Karimi Muturi
Zacharia Muturi Karimi